We are excited to be kicking off our second fitness challenge of 2022! The Kait X PowHer Transformation Challenge officially starts on Sunday July 17 with beginning content due July 17, 18 or 19. This 6 week challenge will end on Monday, August 29th with after content due on August 29-31  and our Grand Prize winner will be announced on Friday, September 2nd.  The Grand prize winner will receive option of $1,000 cash prize money in recognition for their hard work!

Submit your before content HERE

What do I submit?
A picture of the front, side, and back of your body to show your current fitness progress/status along with a video (see below for more details.)

What do I wear?
Anything that is comfortable for you! These pictures will submit you to enter to win the challenge, but also will represent your individual journey and will be great to look back on in 6 weeks!

Submit your after content HERE 

What do I submit?

A picture of the front, side, and back of your body to show your current fitness progress/status along with a video (see below for more details.)
A Side-By-Side picture of the front, side, and back before and afters. Please remember that the before photo will go on the left and the after belongs on the right.
You can make these side-by-side images on Canva (web or app) or Instasize (app) which are both free downloads.
You will also have the opportunity to upload a video and/or write about your journey through this challenge!

What do I wear?
Typically it works best to wear the same/similar clothing that you used for the before pictures. Once again, wear what makes you comfortable but will still show your results!

So let’s dive into the logistics and details to help you better understand the entering requirements and how to participate:

What requirements do I have

to follow to enter?

You will need to be an active PowHer.fit member during the entire challenge duration (all 6 weeks).  You can purchase a membership (monthly or yearly) HERE.

You will also need to purchase BOTH the Kait X PowHer 12 Week Fitness Program (available for home or the gym) as well as the Kait X PowHer Nutrition Guide.  Challenge participants will be following Kait’s Nutrition Guide & Kait’s Fitness Program Collaboration within the PowHer.fit site! (Remember you CANNOT purchase either one of Kait’s PowHer collaboration programs without having an active PowHer.fit membership FIRST).

Is there an entry fee required to enter?

No, there is not an entry fee for the challenge.  You just need to be an active PowHer.fit member and be a part of both the Kait x PowHer Fitness Program and Kait x PowHer Nutrition program as listed above.

What type of “before” and “after” media will I need to submit?  Where do I turn it in?

Before Content: Photos & Video only.  Your Before-content must be created and turned in anytime between Sunday July 17th, and Tuesday July 19th.  You to take a “before” photo of the front, side and back view.  You will also need to take a video of a 360 degree view (so move in a slow, full circle while being recorded) so that we can verify that your body is not “edited” in any way.  In order for your submission to count, there must be a current newspaper taped on the wall behind you with the current date (or hold up your cell phone with current date in in your photo).  If you wish to keep your identity hidden in the photo, and video, please submit to us with your face blurred and/or personal items in the background hidden (please see entry form link above for further details).  You must turn in these items with your “before-content” entry form  to be an eligible winner.

After Content: Pictures & Video only  You will need to take an after photo of the front, side, and back view anytime between Monday August 29 and Wednesday August 31.  You will also need to take a video of a 360 degree view (so move in a slow, full circle while being recorded) so that we can verify that your body is not “edited” in any way.  In order for your submission to count, there must be a current newspaper taped on the wall behind you with the current date (or hold up your cell phone with current date in in your photo).  You must also turn in a side-by-side photo of your front, side and back before/after.  As before, please hide your face or personal details in photo if you wish your identity to remain hidden (please see after-content entry form for more details).  You must turn in these items with your “after-content” entry form to be an eligible winner.


Measurements, Weight & Body Fat Percentages are Encouraged to be Taken & Turned in, however they are not mandatory to compete and win the $1,000 or Gossip Girl Getaway Prize of the Kait X PowHer Transformation Challenge.


Which 6 Weeks of Kait’s Fitness Program Should I do?

Whichever 6 of the 12 weeks that work in your current schedule.  If you’re new to Kait’s Fitness program, we suggest the first 6 weeks as each week should be completed in order.  If you’ve already started Kait’s program, we suggest continuing where you currently are in the program. Based on the time that PowHer.fit publicly launched Kait’s programs, nobody should further than 6 weeks into her program, allowing them to finish the remaining 6 weeks of the 12 week program to participate in the transformation challenge!

How Will the Winner Be Chosen?

The winner will be chosen by Randa Carrabba, Founder of PowHer.fit with voting input from other certified trainers on staff.  We are not focusing only on one thing such as the most weight lost, biggest drop in percentage body fat, or the most lean muscle mass gained.  We will actually be looking for the best OVERALL winner.  The winner will combine multiple benefits of the PowHer.fit including (but not limited to): fat loss, lean muscle mass, inches lost, confidence gained, was well as becoming mentally and physically stronger.  The before content (photos and video) as well as the after content (photos and video) will all be evaluated.  Recording your weight, measurements and percent body fat at the beginning and end of the month can also be turned in, but it is not a requirement.

Where Can I Do The Challenge?

You can do the challenge either at home or the gym, or even a combination of both the home and the gym.  You get access to both the home and gym version of Kait X PowHer Fitness Program and can choose what works best for your busy lifestyle.  We do encourage the gym when attainable due to more equipment and heavier weight available.

How Long Will the Challenge Run?

The Challenge will be 6 weeks long the weekend of July 17, 18 or 19 to August 29-31 for turn in entries.

How Can I Learn More About the Kait x PowHer Fit Collab Programs?

You can read all about Kait’s Collab Programs (Nutrition and Fitness) HERE.  We have detailed, linked and listed guidelines to get you active as a PowHer.fit member as well as how to purchase Kait’s programs in this blog post linked HERE.