The PowHer of Having an Empowerment Coach!


Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG DEAL and can come with a lot of emotions, questions and doubts when starting something new or stepping outside of your comfort zone. While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum and private social media within our app for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups. Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions, be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind! You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get (access to all our training programs, member forums, recipes, monthly meal plan guidance, nutrition set up based on your own goals, etc.) PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group! You get to choose the Coach you want to work with and join her private and safe small group for daily check-ins, extra community support, accountability and encouragement! Our Empowerment Coaches go through a 90 Day course on how to better understand our training methods, nutrition approach as well as ways to help their small group members ensure success! They are not necessarily (but can be) certified trainers or nutritionists, so think of them as your daily accountability buddy, personal hype-girl and leader of a safe and small group that aims to help you make fitness friendships along the way!

PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Meet the PowHer.Fit Empowerment Coaches

Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG THING and can affect your body, mindset and feelings.  While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups.  Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions,  be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind!  You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group!  PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Justice Clark

Empowerment Coach

Hey y’all, I graduated from Texas State University with a B.S. in Exercise Sports Science with a concentration in Health and Wellness Management.

I started my PowerHer.Fit Journey on my birthday in 2019. This has helped me get back to lifting on a daily basis which I truly love. Fun fact, I was a powerlifter in High School and made it to regionals two years and qualified as a state alternate another year which is a huge accomplishment.

I currently work within the medical device field, and I serve in a national role that requires me to fly almost every week somewhere within the U.S. to help educate physicians and new hires. I say this, to let you know that it is possible to live the Powher.Fit lifestyle while being on the go 24/7.

I am here to help and encourage you to live an active life you love, not dread! As a member of my empowerment group you will have me as one of your biggest cheerleaders, small group challenges here and there, and educational content that will help you feel more confident as well. What are you waiting for? Come join the PARTY!!

To learn more about me, you can check me out on my Instagram HERE!