The PowHer of Having an Empowerment Coach!


Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG DEAL and can come with a lot of emotions, questions and doubts when starting something new or stepping outside of your comfort zone. While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum and private social media within our app for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups. Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions, be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind! You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get (access to all our training programs, member forums, recipes, monthly meal plan guidance, nutrition set up based on your own goals, etc.) PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group! You get to choose the Coach you want to work with and join her private and safe small group for daily check-ins, extra community support, accountability and encouragement! Our Empowerment Coaches go through a 90 Day course on how to better understand our training methods, nutrition approach as well as ways to help their small group members ensure success! They are not necessarily (but can be) certified trainers or nutritionists, so think of them as your daily accountability buddy, personal hype-girl and leader of a safe and small group that aims to help you make fitness friendships along the way!

PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Meet the PowHer.Fit Empowerment Coaches

Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG THING and can affect your body, mindset and feelings.  While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups.  Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions,  be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind!  You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group!  PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Michelle Ramsey

Empowerment Coach

Michelle has had an enthusiasm for fitness most of her life. She was introduced to the gym at a young age and got her first gym membership as soon as she was old enough. While earning her degree in Exercise Science, Michelle became a certified personal trainer. However, after getting married and having children, fitness took a backseat. She was able to lose the weight she had gained during her pregnancies, but never truly got back into shape. Michelle worked mostly desk jobs in medical offices and did not make fitness or nutrition a priority. Over the years, she gained and lost weight, and by the time she was 40 years old, she thought it was too late to get back in good physical shape. After marrying her current husband, Michelle returned to a fitness routine, but sustained an injury, gained weight again and ended up at her highest pregnancy weight!

In September 2019, at the age of 42, Michelle decided it was time to get back into a consistent fitness routine! While she watched PowHer.Fit grow, instead of joining right away, she set off on her own routine with targeted strength training and a lot of cardio. She did see some success, but she was over training and her workouts were not sustainable long-term. Michelle finally joined PowHer.Fit in June 2021 and immediately realized the benefits and sustainability of full-body strength training with balanced nutrition. Since joining PowHer.Fit, Michelle has lost body fat, gained muscle, and increased her strength!

Michelle has accomplished more on her fitness journey than she thought possible, especially in her 40’s. She truly believes that it’s never too late to start or restart your fitness journey. She wants to help women recognize the benefits of strength training and building muscle. She also wants to help women realize both the physical and mental benefits of physical fitness and balanced nutrition. Michelle wants to encourage and support women to reach their potential, regardless of age or season of life.

Michelle lives with her husband, Matt, two daughters, Kylie and Kadynce, and two dogs, Mia and Bryan in Rio Rancho, NM.

Keep up with her on insta HERE!