The PowHer of Having an Empowerment Coach!


Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG DEAL and can come with a lot of emotions, questions and doubts when starting something new or stepping outside of your comfort zone. While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum and private social media within our app for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups. Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions, be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind! You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get (access to all our training programs, member forums, recipes, monthly meal plan guidance, nutrition set up based on your own goals, etc.) PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group! You get to choose the Coach you want to work with and join her private and safe small group for daily check-ins, extra community support, accountability and encouragement! Our Empowerment Coaches go through a 90 Day course on how to better understand our training methods, nutrition approach as well as ways to help their small group members ensure success! They are not necessarily (but can be) certified trainers or nutritionists, so think of them as your daily accountability buddy, personal hype-girl and leader of a safe and small group that aims to help you make fitness friendships along the way!

PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Meet the PowHer.Fit Empowerment Coaches

Joining a fitness program is a REALLY BIG THING and can affect your body, mindset and feelings.  While we aim to help each member in all of those aspects and offer a community forum for our members to interact with one another, we also realize the power of small groups.  Think about it, a small group led by an Empowerment Coach is a place where a new member is more likely to ask more questions,  be more vulnerable, and create more lasting relationships and friendships amongst their small group. Some people will be more likely to stay committed to their small groups friends and coach, rather than just on their own.

For the members who want extra support, encouragement and community benefits, Empowerment Coaches & their Small Groups were designed with YOU in mind!  You’ll receive everything a normal PowHer.Fit member would get PLUS your own Empowerment Coach and Small Group!  PowHer.Fit memberships WITH additional Empowerment Coaching & a Small Group upgrade pricing comes with two different options below. One is monthly recurring and the other is yearly recurring. Cancellation is free and can be done at anytime.

Lisa Fields

Empowerment Coach

Hi! I’m Lisa and I’m the grandma of the family, but don’t let that scare you away! I am 55 years YOUNG and in a different phase of my life than maybe most of you, but I’m here to tell you it’s never too late 1) to learn from someone else’s wisdom (or mistakes) and 2) to get fit and be healthy. My husband, 2 tiny toy poodles, and my race car all I live on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. I am a mom/bonus mom to 5 grown kids who have blessed us with 11 grand kids (and they’re not done!). I found Randa on Instagram and joined in 2021 when I moved away from the only home I’ve ever known to the coast. When I left my boutique gym family, I missed that community and our support system. TBH I didn’t put much effort into my membership then. I had become terribly homesick, depressed and thought I needed to be “living” in the gym to have that “community” again, so I quit. Since then, I’ve tried every gym in my new town and have not found exactly what I’m looking for, so I am back! Randa has my support system right here!

I’ve had moments where fitness was a big part of my life from taking/teaching step aerobics in the 90s to running a half marathon at age 40 and earning belts in kickboxing. Most of my adult life I was thin and petite but in my late 30s my body started attacking itself and I developed Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. No amount of exercise or food deprivation slowed down the weight gain or lessened the fatigue. Looking back on that I realize it was because I did everything on my own and had no clue what I was doing so of course nothing worked. It was then, for the first time in my life, I hated the way I looked and felt. What concerned me even more was the amount of medication I had to take on a daily basis. Then I hit 49 and had to deal with post menopause and gained even more weight. I went from around 120 lbs most of my adult life to 172 lbs! That was a lot more than I weighed with my pregnancies. I looked puffy and unhealthy. I felt terrible. I made the commitment to myself that I had to change for my health. In my 50s I’ve put in the effort and consistency (KEY) and I’ve been rewarded with losing 40lbs and being in the best shape of my life. My disease is currently in remission and medication now is just to keep it under control instead of treating the 100 different symptoms.

Don’t let age change you. Change the way you age. In February 2020 I had a terrible skiing accident and blew out my left knee, the entire thing. It was devastating (and very painful) but what got me through it was my fitness and my fitness community. My surgeon even released me 4 months early because I never stopped working out during my recovery. I just moved my workouts to my wheelchair and to my pool and focused on strength and movement. In my 50s I have fallen in love with fitness. Cardio, yoga, Pilates, etc. are all wonderful and I still do all types of workouts, but I do full body strength training 5-8 hours a week. That hour+ a day is MY time. The secret really is consistency and strength training. It’s a lifestyle that you can maintain well into the senior years of your life and if you are young now you are already ahead of the game.

I’ve been through it all and now I’m proof that the process works IF you honestly put in the work. I’m happy with my health today because I focus on seeing my muscles rather than seeing the scale. I live my life to the absolute fullest now that my energy is back! And I see you. No matter your age, I get you. And I got you. I will cheer you on and support you because I want to see you succeed. I cannot wait to watch you grow!